Boxall Profile: A teacher's guide


September 29, 2022

How does the Boxall Profile provide valuable insights for teachers and Sendco's?

Course Enquiry
Copy citation

Main, P (2022, September 29). Boxall Profile: A teacher's guide. Retrieved from

What is the Boxall Profile?

The Boxall Profile is useful for assessing the social, emotional, and behavioural improvement of children and younger adults. It was developed by psychologist Marjorie Boxall. It gives you an accurate picture of your student's strengths, as well as any difficulties that may be affecting their learning. This online checklist tool has become a go-to resource for SENDCos and provides users with objective insights that can be used for a range of purposes.

The two-part checklist,

  • completed by staff who know children and young people best, quickly
  • and, very importantly, identifies skill levels that children and young people must access with learning.

Many school-going children are uncertain of their worth and are often unable to express their feelings. Instead, they show their displeasure by withdrawing, performing far below their abilities, and failing to establish good relationships.

Others may express their anger and failure through small or large actions that disrupt the progress of others. Whatever the behaviour, as a result, they do not actively participate in education. The Boxall Profile is a useful aid for assessing the social, emotional, and behavioural improvement of youngsters and younger adults.


How does the Boxall Profile help teachers?

Early identification and assessment

  • It helps supervisors and teachers develop their observation and understanding of the difficulties of children and young people.

Target setting and intervention

  • It helps teachers to develop personal, achievable goals that reinforce target behaviours and skills in children.

Tracking progress

  • Help staff and teachers consider the target behaviours of children and young people.

Practical Strategies and techniques

  • It tells what type of support a pupil requires to help the teacher to plan practical strategies and techniques for his students.

Help in understanding what a pupil need

  • Boxall profile helps in the development of a support plant keeping in view the needs of every student.

Help in developing more targeted strategies

  • It gives you an accurate picture of your student's strengths, as well as any difficulties that may be affecting their learning.

Who are the main beneficiaries of the Boxall Profile?

Children and Young People:

  • Give voice to action that otherwise remains unexplained or overlooked
  • Allows early identification and assessment
  • Set personal achievable goals
  • Enhance the target's behaviour and skills
    Track personal progress

Practitioners and teaching staff:

  • Offering a better understanding of the difficult behaviour of students
  • Providing personalized and accessible services; Goals that reinforce goal behaviour and skill
  • Assistance with strategic planning for Individual Children
  • Measure the impact of interventions on individual/group level over time
  • Enhancing Practitioner Confidence as they learn how to tackle the root cause of student difficulties and how to overcome them
  • For the most vulnerable children providing specialists therapeutic care
  • Make relevant suggestions and strategies

Schools and educational settings

  • Provide a framework for the assessment of pupils or a class.
  • Raising awareness about the social well-being of students
  • Better planning and allocation of resources.
  • To develop and support evidence-based school-wide approaches
  • And promote positive mental health and well-being at school

Interpreting the Boxhall Profile
Interpreting the Boxhall Profile

What age does Boxall's profile cover?

Boxall profile is a unique tool that works online. Here are some points that describe how it works online and teachers can use it for the assessment of their students.

There are two Boxall Profile Tests -

  • one for children (kindergarten/elementary students)
  • and one for young students (high school students).

which Boxall Online Profile automatically sets based on an employee-entered date of birth. Finally, each child's score was compared with the literary-emotional benchmark scores of "competent" children of the same age group. Using this, goals for the child's social and emotional skills are assessed and re-evaluated.

Sections of Boxall Profile

It consists of these two sections:

Section I: Developmental Components

  • This section measures progress on different aspects of a child's development during the first years - the initial evaluation assesses how the child's learning experience is organized and juvenile.
  • Measuring different aspects of children's cognitive, social and emotional development.
  • And how It affects emotional development.

Section II: Diagnostic Profile

  • This section describes behaviours that inhibit or interfere with a child's satisfactory participation in school, self-limiting features, undeveloped behaviours, and underdevelopment.
  • They are a direct or indirect result of poor learning in the early years. The earlier these children are identified, the more hope there is that their social and emotional development isn't delayed.
  • And behavioural difficulties can be addressed and remedied by providing patient upbringing and support.

Identifying strengths with the Boxhall Profile
Identifying strengths with the Boxhall Profile

How a teacher can use Boxall Profile for the assessment of children

  • Individual student profiles are created from the teacher's evaluation.
  • Once the profile is created, both the sections (Development and diagnostics) must be considered together.
  • By observing both the section a teacher can identify areas of strength as well as areas where the student appear to be having difficulty
  • These strengths and areas of difficulty can be identified on close examination of the strand or histogram that are made in each section - developmental and

Boxall Profile Online

  • The Boxall Profile has been used by education professionals since the 1970s in paper samples.
  • The release of Boxall Profile Online has revolutionized the usage assessment tools and facilitated and speed up evaluations.
  • In a day more than 160,000 reviews are completed online.

By completing Boxall Profiles online, teachers and professionals can:

  • Identify and evaluate social and emotional aspects and behavioural needs
  • Boxall's Profile is a way to understand what's hidden behind Challenging student behaviour And what is possible in their true social and emotional needs.
  • Set goals and strategies
  • To support develop missing skills and gaps in early development.
  • Browse resources
  • That may be helpful according to the stated goals.
  • TrackProcess
  • Keep track of student's progress and help  in solving problems on
    time and identify the most effective strategies.
  • Create a group preview
  • To mark common difficulties and needs of the group.
  • Better targeted exploration and planning approach
  • To solve emotional difficulties and happiness individually and at the group level.
  • Measuring the impact of mental health
  • Support students with special difficulties across the UK or in a particular area.
  • Raising awareness around mental health
  • For the well-being of students in school and to support them


Nurture pyramid and the Boxhall profile
Nurture pyramid and the Boxhall profile

Features of Boxall Profile

Easy-to-use scoring

  • It can be easily accessed by mobile and tablets and new users get step-by-step guidelines.

New feature: Personal study plan

  • Set goals out of your Boxall profile and pick from heaps of techniques and assets to broaden unique social and emotional skills.
  • Review and reassess goals each semester - Many staff members can review and contribute to learning plans as part of a school-wide approach.

Subscription for teachers and schools

Tokens for individual users

  • A top-up option for users looking to assess a small number of pupils in their setting is 1 token = 1 assessment and 1 learning plan.

Yearly subscription for individual schools

  • From 45p per pupil Unlimited assessments & learning plans unlimited of staff joining the subscription
  • Choose the best subscription depending on the number of pupils assessed.
  • A yearly subscription is automatically set to re-subscribe every year.
  • But the automatic subscription can be cancelled at any time.

Multiple subscriptions

  • If you have multiple academies, trusts or schools you can buy multiple subscriptions
  • You need to sign up and create multiple subscription accounts for Academy, trust, federation, or group of setting organization

Why should schools consider the Boxall Profile?

Implementing mental health and behavioural interventions in school

  • A report by the Department for Education in 2018 suggests that Boxall Profile is the most common tool for identifying children and young people's specific mental health need and thus help in implementing new strategies for the betterment of students.

Evaluation of the entire setting

  • The initial purpose of the Boxall Profile was to evaluate the social, emotional, and mental health requirements of young children and adolescents in nurturing groups. Soon later, it changed into an evaluation of the entire setting.
  • When utilized throughout the whole school, the Boxall Profile Online can identify students with unidentified mild SEMH requirements.

A study of using Boxall Profile

  • A study of the use of Boxall Profile Online across schools found that 26% of SEMH requirements would otherwise remain hidden.
  • When support was established following the Boxall Profile® online assessment, the study found a 23% increase in the number of students expressing these needs in just five months.
  • The same survey also suggests that among the organization that used the Boxall profile 92% recommend its use.

Identification hidden issues

  • Using the Boxall Profile helps in the identification of hidden issues of children and young people.
  • It aids the students to focus on their studies

Boxall Profile is more than a diagnostic tool

  • The Boxall Profile assessment is not only designed as a diagnostic tool for specific mental health conditions, learning difficulties, or developmental difficulties.
  • Rather, it is designed to help teachers and staff to understand and work more effectively with children and young people, in a way that is sensitive to the needs of the child or young person being assessed.

Unique lesson plans for the well-being of children and young people

  • In educational settings worldwide, Boxall Profile Online's ability to create unique lessons for the well-being of children and young people
  • The unique features of Boxall Profile Online are the ideal support to effectively meet individual challenges.

Getting started with the profile

  • First, visit After registration, you will receive a token for a free evaluation.
  • It is easy to use, but it is recommended to train at least one member of your staff on how to use the tool, to ensure your school gets the most out of it. They provide training for beginners and advanced users.

Newly updated features of Boxall Profile

  • The new Boxall Profile® Online platform is designed to dramatically improve your user experience and provide you with additional features.
  • It is also sturdy and secure, but much more flexible.

Here are some new updates:

1. Migration - for all users of the previous platform, we have developed an easy and smooth process to migrate data and use the new platform on the go.

2. Organization types (schools, MATs, external professionals, others) with unlimited users on a subscription purchase.

3. Various access rights within an organization and menu options to ensure proper access.

4. Focus on teens - add your unique references and other details to their profile.

Teacher's reviews about Boxall Profile

Primary School Principal

  • "It has helped us locate a child in different areas of their development. It has given staff more insight, to ask where this behaviour is coming from?"

Primary teacher

  • "When we [evaluated] the whole school, there were kids who were stressed that ... we never worked with them because they seemed quiet and calm at school. But in reality, they had a lot of them. more than a deep problem.


What does it mean if my child is being assessed using the Boxall Profile?

  • If you are a parent or guardian and your child is assessed using the Boxall® profile, that will be the best option to understand and evaluate the social behaviour and mental health of your child.
  • If the teacher is using the Boxall profile it means that he is trying his best to understand where your child needs support and improvement so that he can fully concentrate on his work
  • If the scores are outside the normal range, this indicates that your child is struggling with some difficulties.
  • Which then allows their school to provide the appropriate supports to address these challenges.
  • By filling in the Boxall Profile for the whole class, the teaching staff has a better picture of the needs of SEMH their students.
  • They are aware difficulties hinder students' access to their learning and they can tailor their instruction to the needs of their students, make the program truly inclusive.
  • Once the common difficulties have been identified, staff can set whole class support for the social development and emotional skills of all their students.

The Boxall Profile and the Graduated approach to Nurture:

  • Boxall Profile is an essential part of classified and seated educational approach at all levels of the educational pyramid.
  • The Boxall profile is important in determining the level of support the student will receive:
  • Does the child need access to targeted interventions, such as foster groups,
  • Or if other nurturing interventions like joining a group at lunchtime/Afternoon club might be enough.
  • As the foundation of the degree approach, nurture recommends everyone schools and educational institutions screened SEMH of their students using Boxall Records, to ensure that all needs in the school are recognized and can be supported through early intervention.

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Learning Tools

What is the Boxall Profile?

The Boxall Profile is useful for assessing the social, emotional, and behavioural improvement of children and younger adults. It was developed by psychologist Marjorie Boxall. It gives you an accurate picture of your student's strengths, as well as any difficulties that may be affecting their learning. This online checklist tool has become a go-to resource for SENDCos and provides users with objective insights that can be used for a range of purposes.

The two-part checklist,

  • completed by staff who know children and young people best, quickly
  • and, very importantly, identifies skill levels that children and young people must access with learning.

Many school-going children are uncertain of their worth and are often unable to express their feelings. Instead, they show their displeasure by withdrawing, performing far below their abilities, and failing to establish good relationships.

Others may express their anger and failure through small or large actions that disrupt the progress of others. Whatever the behaviour, as a result, they do not actively participate in education. The Boxall Profile is a useful aid for assessing the social, emotional, and behavioural improvement of youngsters and younger adults.


How does the Boxall Profile help teachers?

Early identification and assessment

  • It helps supervisors and teachers develop their observation and understanding of the difficulties of children and young people.

Target setting and intervention

  • It helps teachers to develop personal, achievable goals that reinforce target behaviours and skills in children.

Tracking progress

  • Help staff and teachers consider the target behaviours of children and young people.

Practical Strategies and techniques

  • It tells what type of support a pupil requires to help the teacher to plan practical strategies and techniques for his students.

Help in understanding what a pupil need

  • Boxall profile helps in the development of a support plant keeping in view the needs of every student.

Help in developing more targeted strategies

  • It gives you an accurate picture of your student's strengths, as well as any difficulties that may be affecting their learning.

Who are the main beneficiaries of the Boxall Profile?

Children and Young People:

  • Give voice to action that otherwise remains unexplained or overlooked
  • Allows early identification and assessment
  • Set personal achievable goals
  • Enhance the target's behaviour and skills
    Track personal progress

Practitioners and teaching staff:

  • Offering a better understanding of the difficult behaviour of students
  • Providing personalized and accessible services; Goals that reinforce goal behaviour and skill
  • Assistance with strategic planning for Individual Children
  • Measure the impact of interventions on individual/group level over time
  • Enhancing Practitioner Confidence as they learn how to tackle the root cause of student difficulties and how to overcome them
  • For the most vulnerable children providing specialists therapeutic care
  • Make relevant suggestions and strategies

Schools and educational settings

  • Provide a framework for the assessment of pupils or a class.
  • Raising awareness about the social well-being of students
  • Better planning and allocation of resources.
  • To develop and support evidence-based school-wide approaches
  • And promote positive mental health and well-being at school

Interpreting the Boxhall Profile
Interpreting the Boxhall Profile

What age does Boxall's profile cover?

Boxall profile is a unique tool that works online. Here are some points that describe how it works online and teachers can use it for the assessment of their students.

There are two Boxall Profile Tests -

  • one for children (kindergarten/elementary students)
  • and one for young students (high school students).

which Boxall Online Profile automatically sets based on an employee-entered date of birth. Finally, each child's score was compared with the literary-emotional benchmark scores of "competent" children of the same age group. Using this, goals for the child's social and emotional skills are assessed and re-evaluated.

Sections of Boxall Profile

It consists of these two sections:

Section I: Developmental Components

  • This section measures progress on different aspects of a child's development during the first years - the initial evaluation assesses how the child's learning experience is organized and juvenile.
  • Measuring different aspects of children's cognitive, social and emotional development.
  • And how It affects emotional development.

Section II: Diagnostic Profile

  • This section describes behaviours that inhibit or interfere with a child's satisfactory participation in school, self-limiting features, undeveloped behaviours, and underdevelopment.
  • They are a direct or indirect result of poor learning in the early years. The earlier these children are identified, the more hope there is that their social and emotional development isn't delayed.
  • And behavioural difficulties can be addressed and remedied by providing patient upbringing and support.

Identifying strengths with the Boxhall Profile
Identifying strengths with the Boxhall Profile

How a teacher can use Boxall Profile for the assessment of children

  • Individual student profiles are created from the teacher's evaluation.
  • Once the profile is created, both the sections (Development and diagnostics) must be considered together.
  • By observing both the section a teacher can identify areas of strength as well as areas where the student appear to be having difficulty
  • These strengths and areas of difficulty can be identified on close examination of the strand or histogram that are made in each section - developmental and

Boxall Profile Online

  • The Boxall Profile has been used by education professionals since the 1970s in paper samples.
  • The release of Boxall Profile Online has revolutionized the usage assessment tools and facilitated and speed up evaluations.
  • In a day more than 160,000 reviews are completed online.

By completing Boxall Profiles online, teachers and professionals can:

  • Identify and evaluate social and emotional aspects and behavioural needs
  • Boxall's Profile is a way to understand what's hidden behind Challenging student behaviour And what is possible in their true social and emotional needs.
  • Set goals and strategies
  • To support develop missing skills and gaps in early development.
  • Browse resources
  • That may be helpful according to the stated goals.
  • TrackProcess
  • Keep track of student's progress and help  in solving problems on
    time and identify the most effective strategies.
  • Create a group preview
  • To mark common difficulties and needs of the group.
  • Better targeted exploration and planning approach
  • To solve emotional difficulties and happiness individually and at the group level.
  • Measuring the impact of mental health
  • Support students with special difficulties across the UK or in a particular area.
  • Raising awareness around mental health
  • For the well-being of students in school and to support them


Nurture pyramid and the Boxhall profile
Nurture pyramid and the Boxhall profile

Features of Boxall Profile

Easy-to-use scoring

  • It can be easily accessed by mobile and tablets and new users get step-by-step guidelines.

New feature: Personal study plan

  • Set goals out of your Boxall profile and pick from heaps of techniques and assets to broaden unique social and emotional skills.
  • Review and reassess goals each semester - Many staff members can review and contribute to learning plans as part of a school-wide approach.

Subscription for teachers and schools

Tokens for individual users

  • A top-up option for users looking to assess a small number of pupils in their setting is 1 token = 1 assessment and 1 learning plan.

Yearly subscription for individual schools

  • From 45p per pupil Unlimited assessments & learning plans unlimited of staff joining the subscription
  • Choose the best subscription depending on the number of pupils assessed.
  • A yearly subscription is automatically set to re-subscribe every year.
  • But the automatic subscription can be cancelled at any time.

Multiple subscriptions

  • If you have multiple academies, trusts or schools you can buy multiple subscriptions
  • You need to sign up and create multiple subscription accounts for Academy, trust, federation, or group of setting organization

Why should schools consider the Boxall Profile?

Implementing mental health and behavioural interventions in school

  • A report by the Department for Education in 2018 suggests that Boxall Profile is the most common tool for identifying children and young people's specific mental health need and thus help in implementing new strategies for the betterment of students.

Evaluation of the entire setting

  • The initial purpose of the Boxall Profile was to evaluate the social, emotional, and mental health requirements of young children and adolescents in nurturing groups. Soon later, it changed into an evaluation of the entire setting.
  • When utilized throughout the whole school, the Boxall Profile Online can identify students with unidentified mild SEMH requirements.

A study of using Boxall Profile

  • A study of the use of Boxall Profile Online across schools found that 26% of SEMH requirements would otherwise remain hidden.
  • When support was established following the Boxall Profile® online assessment, the study found a 23% increase in the number of students expressing these needs in just five months.
  • The same survey also suggests that among the organization that used the Boxall profile 92% recommend its use.

Identification hidden issues

  • Using the Boxall Profile helps in the identification of hidden issues of children and young people.
  • It aids the students to focus on their studies

Boxall Profile is more than a diagnostic tool

  • The Boxall Profile assessment is not only designed as a diagnostic tool for specific mental health conditions, learning difficulties, or developmental difficulties.
  • Rather, it is designed to help teachers and staff to understand and work more effectively with children and young people, in a way that is sensitive to the needs of the child or young person being assessed.

Unique lesson plans for the well-being of children and young people

  • In educational settings worldwide, Boxall Profile Online's ability to create unique lessons for the well-being of children and young people
  • The unique features of Boxall Profile Online are the ideal support to effectively meet individual challenges.

Getting started with the profile

  • First, visit After registration, you will receive a token for a free evaluation.
  • It is easy to use, but it is recommended to train at least one member of your staff on how to use the tool, to ensure your school gets the most out of it. They provide training for beginners and advanced users.

Newly updated features of Boxall Profile

  • The new Boxall Profile® Online platform is designed to dramatically improve your user experience and provide you with additional features.
  • It is also sturdy and secure, but much more flexible.

Here are some new updates:

1. Migration - for all users of the previous platform, we have developed an easy and smooth process to migrate data and use the new platform on the go.

2. Organization types (schools, MATs, external professionals, others) with unlimited users on a subscription purchase.

3. Various access rights within an organization and menu options to ensure proper access.

4. Focus on teens - add your unique references and other details to their profile.

Teacher's reviews about Boxall Profile

Primary School Principal

  • "It has helped us locate a child in different areas of their development. It has given staff more insight, to ask where this behaviour is coming from?"

Primary teacher

  • "When we [evaluated] the whole school, there were kids who were stressed that ... we never worked with them because they seemed quiet and calm at school. But in reality, they had a lot of them. more than a deep problem.


What does it mean if my child is being assessed using the Boxall Profile?

  • If you are a parent or guardian and your child is assessed using the Boxall® profile, that will be the best option to understand and evaluate the social behaviour and mental health of your child.
  • If the teacher is using the Boxall profile it means that he is trying his best to understand where your child needs support and improvement so that he can fully concentrate on his work
  • If the scores are outside the normal range, this indicates that your child is struggling with some difficulties.
  • Which then allows their school to provide the appropriate supports to address these challenges.
  • By filling in the Boxall Profile for the whole class, the teaching staff has a better picture of the needs of SEMH their students.
  • They are aware difficulties hinder students' access to their learning and they can tailor their instruction to the needs of their students, make the program truly inclusive.
  • Once the common difficulties have been identified, staff can set whole class support for the social development and emotional skills of all their students.

The Boxall Profile and the Graduated approach to Nurture:

  • Boxall Profile is an essential part of classified and seated educational approach at all levels of the educational pyramid.
  • The Boxall profile is important in determining the level of support the student will receive:
  • Does the child need access to targeted interventions, such as foster groups,
  • Or if other nurturing interventions like joining a group at lunchtime/Afternoon club might be enough.
  • As the foundation of the degree approach, nurture recommends everyone schools and educational institutions screened SEMH of their students using Boxall Records, to ensure that all needs in the school are recognized and can be supported through early intervention.